Senin, 28 Maret 2011

The beauty of Komodo Island

The presence of the Komodo National Park which is one of the popular vote competition nominator "New 7 Wonder" is quite inviting charm. The controversy that accompanied the event certainly had no effect on the intensive efforts to continue to preserve the park established in 1986 by UNESCO as world heritage site.

Komodo National Park is located between the Province of West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara It includes three large islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, and several small islands with a land area covering 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ². Administratively, this region lies in the subdistrict of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. National Parks are designated as forest conservation area by the Minister of Forestry with 132 572 ha area was originally established with the aim of conserving species of giant lizard dragons or a unique and rare

Komodo dragons are known by the scientific name Varanus komodoensis is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. By local people, dragons are often called Ora.

Including family members Varanidae monitor lizards, and Toxicofera klad, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live in small island linked to the absence of mammalian carnivores on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of his body, these lizards occupy the position of a top predator that dominates its place of living ecosystems.

Komodo dragons are found in 1910. Her body is great and terrible reputation makes them popular in zoos. Dragons in the wild habitat has shrunk and therefore IUCN include dragons as a species vulnerable to extinction. These large lizards are protected under Indonesian law and a national park was established to protect them.

Actually the Park attraction not solely by the mere presence of dragons. As I quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Forestry who manages this site Komodo National Park, panoramic underwater views of savanna and attract potential supporters. Eg marine tourism, fishing, snorkeling, diving, canoeing, boating. While on land, natural tourism potential that can be done is to observe wildlife, hiking, and camping. Visiting the Park and enjoy the natural scenery is very charming an experience that will never be forgotten.

Some interesting sites to visit include:

1. Loh Liang: a tourism concession area managed by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done among other observations the Komodo dragon, deer, wild boar, bird watching, canoeing, etc..

2. Red Beach: a beautiful beach with shallow coral reefs charming. Activities usually carried out by tourists who visit are snorkelling or sunbathing.

3. Loh Sebita: Loh Sebita a mangrove area and the activity is quite interesting to do is bird watching and trekking.

4. Loh Buaya: a tourism concession areas dielola by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done among other observations the Komodo dragon, deer, buffalo, birds, long-tailed monkey, wild horses, birdwatching, canoeing, etc..

5. Bat Island: Activities that can be visited include the observation colony of bats in large numbers. The most interesting observation made ​​during the afternoon where the bats started to come out to look for food.

6. Golo Code: From the top of the hill, known as Code Golo, visitors can see a panorama and a landscape that is fantastic because the representation of various types of ecosystems can be seen from this place.

7. Molo Strait: Strait which has a heavy flow like river water flowing at high tide.

There are 36 dive sites in the area of ​​TN. Komodo. Frequented by foreign tourists for diving and snorkeling are: Tatawa Island, Red Beach, Gililawa Sea, Loh Dasami, Pillar Steen, Batu Bolong and Taka Napier.

To reach this place can be done via the road through land through Bali - Mataram (Lombok Island) - Bima - Sape (Sumbawa P.), followed by a trip using the ferry every day to Labuan Bajo. From Labuan Bajo visitors can visit the Komodo National Park aboard the boat or speedboat. Another alternative is by air, visitors can use air transportation from Bali (Denpasar) to Labuan Bajo every day with the existing penerpangan airlines including; Indonesian Air Transport (IAT), Pigeon, and Trigana Air.

Source reading: Site and Wikipedia Indonesia
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Nirvana Marine on the Derawan Island

A tropical paradise located in one of the island province of East Kalimantan, Berau precisely and in the Strait of Sulawesi, not far from the border with Malaysia. Derawan Island into a maritime tourist destinations attractive choice for you who likes the beach with soft white sand and clear water shining. Moreover, added bonus benign encounter turtles that swam happily while we do the dive.

Sometimes when sitting on the edge of a wooden bridge that leads to the sea, we can see the green turtles and fro on the surface of clear water. Occasionally even the turtles that seem to roam around the cottage is located on the coast of the island. At nightfall, several turtles climbed ashore and lay eggs there.

Alloy sea and moss colors produce stunning shades of blue and green, and a small forest in the middle, make this island so beautiful natural scenery presents a pity to miss for granted. What remains, deep memories.

Dr. Carden Wallace of the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australia has examined marine wealth Derawan Island and found more than 50 types of Arcropora (marine animal) in one coral reef. No one seems if Derawan island famous as the third highest in the world as an international dive destination

This island is relatively less well known especially in the country because of its own struggle to achieve it takes quite complicated. You must go first to Balikpapan from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar, to go to this island. Approximately two hours travel time of flight from Jakarta to Balikpapan.

From Balikpapan, you still have to fly to Cape Redeb for one hour with a small plane that served by KAL Star, Deraya or DAS. In addition, Cape Redeb can also be reached by sea, with boarded the ship from Samarinda Tarakan to Tanjung Redeb or proceed with the lease motorboat to the island Derawan with long travel approximately 2 hours.

Many foreigners who just got off the plane at the airport Kalimarau, Cape Redeb Derawan rushed to the island by motorboat which was moored at a specific port.

Another alternative could also through land route from Balikpapan to Tanjung Batu and from there crossed over to the island Derawan. It's just that this is not a good choice because of travel crossing itself takes up to a dozen hours with a relatively unpleasant terrain.

Even so, you know, just a lot of foreign tourists who already knew more about the existence of this exotic island. A number of Japanese tourists through travel from Tokyo who were there "shoot straight" go to Singapore or to Sabah and then continue the trip to Aberdeen, then to Cape Redeb using small aircraft.

They utilize their time during the Derawan with diving, down the underwater beauty of the island which indeed is the best location for diving. Moreover, with the condition of the remote islands and "virgin" increasingly add charm anyone to enjoy it as long as possible.

Never mind all the way, only within a distance of 50 meters from the beach, we already can see the beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish back and forth. The water is very clear. You can rent a snorkel for Rp 30 thousand per day. If you want to dive deeper, we can find fish that are more "exotic" such as grouper, red fish, fish kurisi, fish, barracuda, sea cucumbers, and oysters. On a rock at a depth of ten meters, there is a reef known as "Blue Trigger Wall" because of the reef with a length of 18 meters there is a lot of trigger fish (red-toothed trigger fishes).

Island Derawan provide accommodations facilities (cottages), rental of diving equipment as well as restaurants. There is also a cheap lodging-inn fare that is managed by local people. The range of prices ranging from Rp 45 thousand to USD 100 thousand / night.

Still not satisfied?

You can also review the other islands around Derawan. For example: Charitable Island, Maratua, and Kakaban which has its own uniqueness. Pari Fish Blue (Manta Rays) that had reached 3.5 meters wide with a population on the island of Charitable. In fact can also be found-if lucky enough, black stingray with wide "wingspan" 6 meters. While Kakaban have uniqueness in the form of a prehistoric lake in the middle of the sea, the only one in Asia.
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Beach megaliths are located in West Sumba

Southwestern Sumba show its beauty through Kampung Ratenggaro. The village is special because it is situated on a cliff on the beach Ratewoyo. Its position overlooking the sea with huge waves breaking reef. Straight ahead, no more land until we came to Africa.

The village was originally located on the headland that is located right by the beach. But the tide causing abrasion and water into the house, so the residents decided to move the village to a higher cliff.

In the former village on the beach still remains a collection of megalithic stone graves. The shape is different from the graves of stone slabs piled like in the town of Waikabubak. The tomb stones here are made of stone intact with more than two meters high and decorated with writings and ancient drawings.

Sitting next to an ancient stone tomb with a beautiful beach watching the waves crashing, I understand why so adored will Sumba cultural richness and natural beauty. Soft white sandy beach flanked by rocks and high cliffs remind me of the Tanah Lot in Bali. Of course, the beach is far more beautiful and very quiet. Unfortunately I came when cloudy so could not watch the sunset.

On the beach I met old man named Thomas who play traditional musical instruments made ​​of wood. Excerpt dawainya add a sense of feel magical atmosphere in the place. Fatigue due to travel by bike for two hours straight loss.

The village is located in Kodi, West Sumba. Kodi is on the western tip of the island of Sumba. This place is about 80 kilometers from the city where I stay, Waikabubak. Viewed in this roadmap a little play, but this is the way the conditions are best.

This time I was escorted by a guide named Timothy Pingge, a native of Sumba. Although he says the way we passed the best condition, still we need to go through puddles and potholes road. Throughout the trip we met a group of school children who smile and friendly greeting every rider who passed them. "Afternoon mother, father day," they said. Rain clouds hanging so many times we had to take shelter from the rain.

Rice fields, houses on the roadside with a grave stone in the yard, ravine and forest into a wonderful treat for the eyes along the journey. Before leaving, we bought a souvenir of the villagers. Rooms for the gentlemen, betel nut for the mothers and candy to the kids.

Living in such a beautiful area had little effect on the welfare of villagers. Segelitir only from those who make a living from the sea. Moreover, this village consists of only five traditional houses. Fires burned four years ago almost all houses in the village. Of the 13 houses, only one survivor.

Indigenous Villages Sumba did have a high fire risk. Roofs made ​​of thatch flammable in the dry season. The fire spread in the wind, so the fires usually destroy all houses in the region.

Rebuilding the custom house was not cheap. Villagers told me that a house requires four main pillars to remain standing. "One timber cost the same as a buffalo, "said the occupants of the village. That's just the cost for the main mast, not counting the cost to build the walls, floor and roof. Besides the costs, the materials are easily obtained from the original forest is now increasingly difficult to find.

Next I visited the Kampung Paronabaroro. The condition of villages in this region is different from the village that I browse in the town of Waikabubak earlier. Remote location that makes this village is still very simple. Marapu belief still held closely by its residents.

The old woman topless wearing a cloth. Men and women chew betel nut which makes them red saliva kesumba. This custom began in teens and make the lips look like wearing red lipstick. Horses tied to the side of the house as a symbol of social status.

The entrance to this village along a path about 4 miles. At the front of the village there is a full clearing the newer grave stone. Some have been modified by using cement, stone is no longer intact.

Grave stones with older age is located in the center of the village. The complex surrounds a grave stone altar where the conduct traditional ceremonies. Not just anyone can set foot into places that are considered sacred.

Electricity had just entered the region in late January. The power source comes from the generator fuel is filled by a joint venture with several villages in the vicinity. To save money, they only use it at
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Kingdom of manta stingrays in the Islands Derawan

Manta stingrays are the species most large-sized stingrays in the world. Type the largest can grow up to 7 meters with a weight of more than 2 tons. I visited one of the royal manta in Indonesia which lies in waters around the island of Charitable, Derawan Islands, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Fish with the Latin name of this birostris Manta will manifest themselves at high tide. Tide brings with plankton, which is his favorite food. The sign, which was originally sea water began to clear blue colored turbid due to plankton.

Charitable Island can be reached within an hour away by motor boat from the island Derawan. Shortly after arriving, we saw manta began to arrive and swim just below the water surface. We plunge into the sea, a few hundred feet from the manta. Speedboat should not be too close because it could frighten the animal tame.

I then swam his best to reach the manta. Not the actual swim, because I simply could not and did not know swimming technique. Exactly, trying to move the agency forward. Luckily, manta swam directly towards me.

Dark and sinister figure who makes me pause while he continued to go at me. His form is very large with a wide mouth reminds me of the sharp-tailed rays that can kill humans. In fact, the manta which is not dangerous.

Shortly before we collided, manta contort his body to the bottom. His movements were so graceful like a dancer. He then swerved back toward his coming again. Manta swim fast and I just stared at the departure of the black manta graceful.

Not only one manta appears, there are some that swim around. This beast is also known to jump into the water. If lucky, manta can appear clustered in large quantities. This place is also a favorite spot of divers because of its beauty. Unfortunately, I can not dive.

Manta is only one of hundreds of fish that live in these waters. There are at least 872 kinds of reef fish that inhabit this region with six different species of dolphins and three types of whales.

Derawan I visited at the invitation of The Nature Conservancy, the nonprofit that works to preserve the marine ecosystem of this island. Currently Berau Aquatic Conservation Area face many threats, such as destruction of coral reefs, sea turtles illegally catching and environmentally unfriendly fishing with poison and bombs.

In fact, Derawan islands are areas with coral reefs second richest in the world. Extensive coral reefs no less than 66 thousand hectares. Diversity of coral reefs in this region amounted to more than 507 species, can only be defeated by the diversity in Raja Ampat Islands, Papua.

The islands also became the center of the green turtle nesting Chelonia mydas alias. Almost every night there are green turtles in a dark corner of the beach. There is also a hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata or very rare.
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Joss Coffee: Coffee Charcoal in Yogyakarta

This is the story of a man in Yogyakarta, which update the way to drink coffee with hot charcoal plunge into it.
On Sunday at 23:00, all the way to the north of Yogyakarta Tugu Station filled with young men who snacking satay and drank a glass of strong coffee and smoky. Midnight conversation while coffee is not really a foreign thing in Indonesia, but this area is unique because it presents mixed charcoal coffee can help calm the stomach is "restless".

An old man nicknamed Mr. Man has been making coffee Joss since the 1960s. Like most coffee concoction from this area, he mixes coffee grounds with four spoons of sugar. Then he poured hot water from the kettle iron and followed by entering key ingredients: charcoal fire is still burning from the stove.

Charcoal helps neutralize stomach acid and has long been a cure for the problem of gas and bloating. Now for the sake of practicality, charcoal tablets are sold in pharmacies, but 50 years ago coffee seems to be a more pleasant way to digest the drugs that overcome the problem of the stomach and intestines.

Although some coffee charcoal gatherers say it generates stamina drink, coffee charcoal gain more popularity because of its uniqueness. As a beverage choice, people often choose tea or tape, fermentation of cassava. And from 17.00 hours until dawn, people sit in the front stalls Lesbian chatting - a favorite activity in the city famous as a city of this student.

This type of crowd that came to depend on hours of arrival. Sometimes office employees stopped by after work to snack fried tempeh, spring rolls and "cat rice" (rice wrapped with a small portion). Meanwhile, lovers usually come over tonight for a date. Many people also hang out to play music.

The atmosphere of the living is what attracts customers to come back. Although now it started to become popular with many tourists and travel bloggers, the atmosphere remains friendly and intimate like most hangout in Yogyakarta.

Now although he was already stepping 80 years, Mr. Man is sometimes still appear in the coffee shop in the kettle to boil water and invite customers to chat. If he's not there, some young men served as ministers and Sir Alex will replace Mr. Man dispensing coffee. Coffee shop itself is made from a collection of tents and wooden pieces are arranged into a long bench. Stove in the shop was located in a temporary kitchen that is connected to a bamboo pole. After the shop closed, Sir Alex will bring back his
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Malino and coolness that reconcile

To reach the city of Malino, takes about three hours from the city of Makassar for a drive - down the hill on the slopes of the mountains Bawakaraeng.

A friend had joked that the Malino is equivalent to "peak" of his South. Not surprisingly, because the beauty of this place is really stunning. Malino has become a favorite tourist sites since the Dutch colonial era.

Accompanied by a shady pine forest landscape paintings like nature makes us lulled. Plus the cool mountain air make the mood becomes serene and comfortable. Nothing wrong with the Malino serve as a meeting place to reach a peace agreement among opposing factions. Coolness to reconcile and its natural panoramic really calm.

But not only the beauty of the pine forest that you can enjoy. In the morning, you can walk to Central Market Malino, shopping for vegetables and fresh fruits. After that, a time to stop by a breakfast at the available shops on the edge of pine forest - not far from Central Market. While sipping hot coffee on the sidelines of the cold mountains, you can enjoy the pine-lined and shady line up neatly.

You can even ride a horse with a tariff of Rp 10 thousand all around, or Rp 50 thousand per hour. I still remember very well have fallen several times while trying to mount a horse who will ride because I was nervous and a little scared. Finally after several tries, I so enjoy the first experience of riding a horse though still guided "the handler".

To the north of the pine forests, tea gardens are managed by a private company. To go there, because I had needed a big struggle through difficult terrain. But when it comes, you will be captivated by the scenery unfold. Green tea leaves are blended with the contours of the mountains Bawakaraeng into a charm that leaves a deep impression. There you can enjoy the distinctive aroma of tea Malino.

About 10 km from Malino to the east, you can visit waterfalls Takapala. Twisting road with mountain scenery will accompany your journey to the waterfall about 60 meters altitude.

Takapala addition, there are also waterfalls Lembanna which is 8 km from the town of Malino. Blue Valley bath and horticultural crops in the area Karenpia, and the wealth of flora and fauna can also be your choice in travel in Malino.

Local authorities seem to have set this region as an integrated tourism area with all the facilities it has. Hotels and villas with affordable rates available in the region, as well as restaurants with varied tastes.

Let's enjoy the coolness of the Malino peace!
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Sea in the bottom of the lake in Dua Rasa Lake

Deep in the interior of East Kalimantan there, unfurled Labuan Lake Mirror. Clear Lake is special because it has the sea at the bottom. Sea in the bottom of the lake? True, this lake has a flow of salty water that exist only in the bottom of the lake

Labuan Mirror Big Dipper is located in Sub-Plow, East Kalimantan. When viewed on a map, located right in the back of the nose of Borneo. This place can be gone in three-hour sea journey from Derawan.

The top of Labuan Mirror Lake contains freshwater such as lakes in general. But there are a few feet below the flow of salt water. Strangely, both types of water is not mixed. In plain view can be seen that the sea water and fresh water are separated by a similar layer of clouds.

No one has done research in this area so that the formation of this phenomenon remains a mystery.

White turbid layer was allegedly the result of spoilage organisms harbor the basis of the trapped and unable to go. Two types of water in this lake also provides the organism of both worlds. Freshwater fish living on the surface, while sea water fish can be found at the bottom of the lake.

When I get there, incidentally is a thin layer of fresh water. The crew had to dive and taste the salty water at a depth of about two meters. Apparently, the thickness of freshwater and saltwater can be changed in accordance with tidal sea water.

This tiny lake surrounded by woods and there are towering cliffs on one side. We were treated to music while swimming jungle - the sound of birds and insects. Not surprisingly, the lake is named Labuan Mirror: water clear as a bell until the person can reflect on it. Flows in some places quite strong and easy to drag people who can not swim.

To reach this place we had to ride the canoe fishermen and travel pass for 15 minutes, through the bush and mangrove forests. The forest was still inhabited by various wild animals like monkeys, bekantan, otters and bears.

Because the distance is quite far from the city, rarely or almost no tourists who visit here. This place is only known by local people from around the area. Facilities and infrastructure are still sober. The place we stayed was a Fisherman Information Center (IC) assisted The Nature Conservancy, an environmental activist organization invited me to visit this place.

PIN-shaped house on stilts at the edge of the mouth of a river, only a few hundred meters from the sea. The house has such a small dock where boats tie up. River in front of the PIN brackish water. Keasinannya levels depend on tidal sea water. When the sea receded, the river became very clear that basically can be seen clearly.

From the porch we could see the fish moving around everywhere. Ardi, children of fishermen who like to play in a PIN to explain to us the kinds of fish. There are many prickly fish, there are fish that sting and long flat-bodied fish. Not only visited by the fishermen, the PIN is also a hangout for the children of fishermen who want to watch a film about sea life or read a library's collection.

It was getting dark when some fishermen went to sea. As we spent the night by drinking coffee on the porch and stared at the river water and the moon was almost full. Peaceful atmosphere that can not be found in the city.
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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

KAYANGAN API- Tours World's Largest Fire Eternal


The name "Fire of Heaven" is the source of the fire that never dies, which is located in the village forest Sendangharjo, District Ngasem, a village which has about 42.29% of the total forest area of ​​the village. According to the story, Heaven is a place Mbah Kriyo Fire Kusumo or MPU Supa rest, he is also known as Mbah Pandhe of Mojopahit. On the west side of the fire rating, there is a pool of mud that contain sulfur, and according to belief, at that time still made ​​agricultural tools and heritage such as kris, spears, cundrik, etc. Bojonegoro people still believe that the source of this fire is sacred and according to the story, fire This has been taken if there is an important ceremony that has been done in the past, such as; Jumenengan Hamengkubuwono X Ngarsodalem and took fire through the requirements of the traditional feast / Wilujengan and Song Tayuban with Java (Gending) of Eling, Eling, Wani-Wani and mountains, which is a favorite song Mbah Kriyo Kusumo's.
That's why when the music was played and danced, every body is not allowed to accompany 'Waranggono'. From the story of society, then Heaven Fire, located about 25 km from the town of Bojonegoro, placed as a natural tourist attraction and place to hold an important ceremony of anniversary Bojonegoro, together purify (Ruwatan mass), and "graduation Waranggono" (Waranggono pass).

Object Facility Tour

This location is perfect for outbound events, because this is the area of tourism. At any given time, especially on Fridays Pahing (Friday Pahing = one day Java) there are a lot of people come here to make a request to find success, get the couple married, get a high status and even to get that heirloom. Traditional ceremony that has been done by the public is Nyadranan (Clean Village / birthday of the village) as an expression of gratitude to God.

Fire rating of tourism development aims for the development of transportation, telecommunications, and accommodation. Sightseeing has been equipped with various facilities such as, space, kiosks, bridges, etc.. Visit to Heaven Fire can continue natural attractions Watu Jago Bojonegoro.
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Sipiso-piso Waterfall

Sipiso-piso waterfall located in the District Brand, Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Districts are located about 24 km from City Kabanjahe, the capital of the Karo Regency.

If you are in Medan, North Sumatra's provincial capital, then you have to travel about 2 hours by bus or car to Kabanjahe, the capital of the Karo Regency. Kabanjahe located in the southern highland tourist area famous, namely Berastagi. Every 45 minutes bus routes depart from the terminal Kabanjahe downtown Medan. Bus fare depends on the type of bus you choose, certainly the most expensive economic bus. Arriving in Kabanjahe, you still have to travel 24 km to the north, the route to Lake Toba. With the quality of paved roads, you can get to tour the Village Tongging Sipiso-piso Waterfall in 30 minutes by car or bus.

Lodging would be important for tourists. When traveling in Sipiso-piso Waterfall and willing to spend the night, then you can find lodging in the village of Kabanjahe Tongging or in the City, the capital of the Karo Regency. Also, if you want to find a memento or souvenir for the family at home, then go just a variety of souvenir hawkers Tanah Karo in this tourist area.
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Incense Road and the sunset at The Sibolga Beach

From Tarutung Sibolga is down the road towards incense. Referred to as the incense road because the road was once used by the Dutch to send the incense from the Silindung to Sibolga. The road was small and curved-bent. Ass deer we have not participated turn, deer head was headed in another direction. Caution Do not look to the left side. For a gaping chasm and essentially invisible will make horror. From one of the hills, you can see the city in the valley Tarutung beautiful nan.

If you are a fan of durian, along the way will be found full of durian tree with hanging fruit. We stopped at Adian Koting to try delicious durian Koting. Although the friend from Medan warned that durian durian Sidimpuan Koting not as good, we still try. Delicious.
From Adian Koting, roads continued to decline until we witnessed Sibolga of the hill. We stop and capture this beautiful scenery. Sibolga in the foreground alongside a vast sea which is guarded by small islands. I'm afraid will not get the sunset in Sibolga. Because the time is showing 17:30 when we entered the city. Mr Sitorus, our driver, explaining that the sunset at the new Sibolga happened at 18.30. Yeah, right. Once inside the hotel, I immediately ran towards the beach. Waiting for sunset. The combination of the sun shyly behind thin clouds, black islands and fishing boats back and forth showing the heavenly atmosphere. Extraordinary beautiful.
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warmth in the cool water source heat Sipoholon

One of the attractions in North Tapanuli, precisely in Sipoholon is a Hot Water Bath. Sipoholon hot springs are warm in the coolness. Sipoholon located between Siborong-borong and Tarutung City.

Source water was really beautiful eyes. There is a small cave near the main water source. In this cave we could see the stalactites that are still active and hot water flowing at the bottom. Apart from being a tourist, this location is also a sulfur mine. Communities around Sipoholon collect sulfur for sale.

You can swim in the pool that has been provided. Once satisfied bath Sipoholon do not forget to enjoy coffee and a tasty peanut Sihobuk crisp and crunchy. You can enjoy coffee and beans Sihobuk in shops right in front of a hot water bath.

Once satisfied to enjoy the hot water and nyeruput Sipoholon black coffee, we headed to Kampung Hutagalung. In Kampung Hutagalung is no restaurant in the middle pond that serves fried duck sauce. Previous message if you have not waited long wish. Because at this restaurant, the new duck was captured when there are guests who book. So you can wait for about 1.5 hours until ready to serve. Duck sauce is fried duck meat fried and then covered with sauce. So it's not like the sambal fried it in Java. Sambal fried duck served with sliced ​​cucumber and tomato. Very simple. But the pleasures do not ask.

Additional Information:
Hotels in Tarutung:
1. Safari Hotel, tel (0633) 21,629 Rate: 200,000 IDR / Night
2. Bali Hotel, tel (0633) 21,854 Rate: 175,000 IDR / Night

Hotels in Balige:
1. Ompu Herti Hotel tel (0632) 322466 Rate 200,000 IDR / Night
2. Tiara Flower Hotel, tel equal to Ompu Herti 350,000 IDR / Listings
3. Mezra Hotel, tel (0632) 322141 Rate 200,000 IDR / Night
4. Cottage tel 081397294746 Siliwangi Rate 600,000 IDR / Night
5. Lake Resort Sentosa Tel (0633) 42 666 Rate 310,000 IDR / Night

Hotels in Sibolga
1. Hotel Prima Indah Telp (0631) 22 797
2. Hotel Wisata Indah Telp (0631) 23 688
3. Poncan Marine Resort (0631) 23 278
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Beautiful Valley in western Sumatra

Imagine West Sumatra who passed the equator, there are tropical forests with high rainfall, with the Bukit Barisan Mountains and Mount Singgalang around Bukittinggi. Many valley or gorge and the lake is very attractive for tourists. Natural beauty plus the cool air Bukittinggi region, in colonial times used to attract the Dutch officials to stay there. Even now Bukittinggi become a major tourist destination for foreign tourists and domestic.

Some people argue that the natural beauty of the valley or gorge far more beautiful when viewed from above. In fact looks beautiful from all sides. At the bottom of the valley is usually flowing river and the land more fertile, while the winding valley cliffs towered from the constant erosion by wind and rain naturally, thus forming a variety of shapes and colors. A stunning panorama.

Anai Valley

When we travel the road the Padang-Bukittinggi, after an hour journey by car, towards the City of Long Long, winding road going up the mountain slopes covered with lush green trees and lush as a nature reserve. At a bend in the left edge of the road, there are theme parks Anai valley waterfall. Looks beautiful. Water falls from the middle of the valley wall is overgrown with dense trees, hanging on the walls of the valley.

From the ticket booth at the peak of view we can look at broad valley toward the valley floor. Visible Anai Valley with lush green trees and on the valley floor Anai River flows. It's a very beautiful natural scenery.

Canyon Sianok

In the city of Bukittinggi itself there Panorama Park and Japanese hole. From there, travelers can view Sianok canyon. Tertihat valley walls from afar. Unmatched lovely. No wonder the world travelers came to it want to watch and capture the natural feel very elegant.

Sianok canyon touted as the "Grand Canyon" of Indonesia, but was actually more beautiful. Because of its location in the tropics, more Sianok canyon walls varies between rock walls and tropical forest trees and plants berjuntaian. All that is not located in the valleys of stone in Arizona there. Sianok canyon closely with various legends. Sianok own means quiet, perfect for tourists to enjoy the break. Many inns around the Panorama Park. Tourists can look at the natural beauty of the cliffs as high as 100-120 meters, which is basically about 200 meters wide and can be traced. It is said that over 15 kilometers.

In the Garden there is a hole Panorama Japan, which the Japanese colonial era is a tunnel for the purpose of defense. Now the place has been revitalized, so that the visitors can go down into the tunnel at the end to directly view Sianok canyon from the valley floor.

Valley Harau

From Bukittinggi leads to the West, we can take highway Pekanbaru-Bukittinggi. After passing Payakumbuh take the road intersection to the left, we headed Harau Valley District who entered regency. Approximately 1.5 hour car journey from Bukittinggi.

Valley wall Harau long stretches, interspersed with a few charming picturesque waterfall. The valley is almost vertical cliff a variety of shapes and colorful moss because of rain and running water from the top of the cliff.

Valley area of ​​300 hectares is a nature reserve, well preserved. At the base of the soil fertile valley spread out the rice fields, a panorama of exotic region. Actually, the natural beauty of the Valley Harau divided into two areas, called Sarasah Bunta with four waterfalls, and Roots Barayun with a waterfall. In the wet season waterfalls jumiah increased to 12 pieces. At one area, guests can scream out loud, his voice echoing, and echo occurs.

In addition to sightseeing redundant, Valley Harau a sports arena rock climbing, which is popular with rock climbers and foreign national. Much information about the Valley Harau on the Internet and have a website to read international sportsman rock climbers.
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9 Most Beautiful Beaches on the island of Bangka

1. Parai Beach:
is located in the beach area Matras. This beach is often used as a tourist attraction and is famous for its granite rocks of various sizes. Facilities available include hotels, outbound as well as water sports games.

2. Matras Beach:
The beach is popular among the people of Bangka, because the coastline is flat and the source of fresh water flowing toward the beach, make this beach location is perfect for a picnic and swim.

3. Beach Mouse:
This beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Bangka, because of its remote location and a lot of big rocks are beautiful here.

4. Uber Gulf Coast:
Sloping beach with the waves rather large and surrounded by volcanic rock that is unique and beautiful

5. Cape Coast Penyusuk:
Asir white, unique scenery with white sand beaches of the original stones decorated by the artistic granite and crystal-clear sea water

6. Beach Romodong:
surrounded by hundreds of small islands. One of the best beaches and unique in Indonesia

7. Sand Beach Rice:(Pasir Padi beach)
is a coastal village located in a New Light, Sungailiat District. This beach is often dubbed as Surgakarena Coast beauty

8. Layang Beach:
Kite Beach is one of the many rocky beach on the island of Bangka, we can enjoy the sunset at this beach.

9. Beach Bedaun
This beach is a beach that has a size typical batu2 Bangka Island pantai2 larger than others, so that objects can make the stone objects are very beautiful landscape photo.

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Tampomas Mountain Nature Park

Defined as the park attractions based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 423/Kpts/Um/7 / 1979 dated 5-7-1979 with an area of ​​1250 Ha
According to government administration including District Cimalaka, Paseh, Conggeang, Buahdua and Tanjungkerta Sumedang District
Tampomas Mountain is a mountain located in Area District intact Sumedang

Tofografi TWA region is mountainous with altitudes between 625-1684 masl
According to Schmidt and Ferguson's classification of climate, including climate type B with an average annual rainfall is 3518 mm

Vegetation of this region including the type of mountain rain forest flora consists of a wide variety of woody trees and the types of classes liana and epiphyte
Flora who dominate this region is Jamuju (Podocaipus imbricatus), Rasamala (Altingia excelsa) and Saninten (Castanea argentea)
Several years ago the mountain was looted by the search Tampomas Bonsai plants. no half-hearted they are taking the truck every night
Rich Mountain by the Bonsai, and in history without planted
Thankful that in the northern part of the mountain that is in the area between Conggeang and Buahdua still preserved
While in the south have been damaged by the excavation of sand

Wild animals that live in this region is the hare (Tragullus javanicus), Forest Pig (Sus vitatus)
Langur (Trachypfthecus auratus)

Also Java Tiger, tiger beetles, tiger Tutul, and mew Congkok
Javan rhino is also thought to have lived in the mountain region Tampomas
Cuman dear Now the beast - the beast, just stories from parents - parents first

and several protected bird species such as
Java Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi)

Tourist attraction which attracts in the region of Mount Tampomas the summit of Mount Tampomas (Sangiang Taraje) with a height of ± 1684 masl and the top is an open area of ± 1 Ha
This location has a high aesthetic value because of these places tourists can enjoy beautiful natural scenery to the Soil and its surroundings
the crater holes and large rocks stained black to add richness to the beholder's imagination

In puncang there Tampomas Mount Cemetery Keramat is located ± 300 m towards the north peak Sangiang Taraje
this place is better known by the name Pasarean and the moon - this place is crowded particular month visited the pejiarah from surrounding areas Sumedang

TWA Mount Tampomas currently managed by KPH Perhutanioffice Sumedang
and number of facilities and infrastructure are still very minimal, there are currently only guardhouse, paths and postal ticket

Routes of travel to get to the location of Mountain Nature Park Tampomas:
Bandung - Soil - Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka, as far as ± 53 km
Cirebon - Duchy - Cibeureum Wetan ± 74 km
From Cibeureum Wetan - Cimalaka to the location (entrance area) ± 6 km gravel road conditions
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Songket Cloth

Songket is a fabric that belongs to the brocade family of textiles of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. It is hand-woven in silk or cotton, and intricately patterned with gold or silver threads. The metallic threads stand out against the background cloth to create a shimmering effect. In the weaving process the metallic threads are inserted in between the silk or cotton weft (latitudinal) threads.


The term songket comes from the Malay/Indonesian word sungkit, which means "to hook". It has something to do with the method of songket making; to hook and pick a group of threads, and then slip the gold threads in it. Some says that the word songket was derived from songka, a Palembang cap in which gold threads was first woven. The word menyongket means ‘to embroider with gold or silver threads’. Songket is a luxury product traditionally worn during ceremonial occasions as sarong, shoulder cloths or head ties. Tanjak or Songket headdresses were worn at the courts of the Malay Sultanates. Traditionally Muslim women and adolescent girls wove songket; "some boys and men are also weaving today". Traditionally-patterned Sumatran textiles embody a system of interpretable emblems.


Songket weaving is historically associated with areas of Malay settlement, and the production techniques could have been introduced by Arab and Indian merchants.[citation needed] It is not certain as to the songket's place of origin, however according to Kelatan tradition this weaving technique came from the north, somewhere in the Cambodia-Siam region and expanded south into Pattani and finally to Kelantan and Terengganu[citation needed]. However, Terengganu weavers believe that Indian traders brought songket weaving teachnique to Palembang and Jambi where it probably originated during the time of Srivijaya.

In Indonesian tradition, songket is associated with Srivijaya, a wealthy 7th to 13th century maritime trading empire based on Sumatra, due to the fact that Palembang is the famous songket producer in Indonesia. Songket is a luxurious textile that required some amount of real gold leafs to be made gold threads and hand-woven into exquisite fabrics, hictorically the gold mines are located in Sumatra hinterland; Jambi and Minangkabau highlands. Although gold threads was found buried in the Srivijaya ruins in Sumatra, along with unpolished rubies and pieces of gold plate, there is no corroborating evidence that the local weavers used gold threads as early as 600s to early 700s CE. Songket probably developed in later period somewhere in Sumatra.

Much documentation is sketchy about the origins of the songket but it is most likely that songket weaving was brought to Peninsular Malaysia through intermarriages between royal families. This was a common occurrence in the 15th century for sealing strategic alliances. Production was located in politically significant kingdoms because of the high cost of materials; the gold thread used was originally wound with real gold leaf.
Songket as king's dress was also mentioned by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir writings 1849.

Production centers
In Indonesia, songket is produced in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi, Lombok and Sumbawa. In Sumatra the famous songket production centers is in Minangkabau Pandai Sikek area, West Sumatra, and Palembang, South Sumatra. In Bali, songket production villages can be found in Klungkung regency, especially at Sidemen and Gelgel village. While in the neighboring island of Lombok, the Sukarara village in Jonggat district, Central Lombok regency, is famous for songket making. Outside of Indonesia, further production areas include the east coast of the Malay Peninsula especially in Terengganu and Kelantan, and in Brunei.
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Bali tourism destination

JAKARTA - Bali remains the best destination. For the sixth time, Bali received an award as the best destination in Asia Fasifik of DestinAsian Tourism Magazine. The award was announced in the event the Sixth Asian Destin Reader 's Choice Award at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong based on the survey to its readers, both print and online.

Director General of Marketing The Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) Sapta Nirwandar states, that achievement earned by the island of Bali for the sixth time in Bali showed consistency in maintaining the quality of tourism services for foreign tourists.

"This award is expected to trigger creativity government and local tourism businesses to be more creative dab active in developing and promoting the benefits of tourism destinations in the area," he said in the Enchantment Kemenbudpar Sapta building, Friday (25 / 3).
Advanced Sapta, an award given to Bali is expected to motivate the rest of Indonesia to develop the tourist destinations that rely on high economic growth with job creation as possible for the community. "Bali also get two other awards for the category of Best Spa Resort by Ayana Resort and Legian as the best hotel in Bali," he said.

Meanwhile, Publisher and Managing Director DestinAsian magazine "s say, in the Asia Pacific region always make tourists impressed with keberagamanya." Hotels, resorts, and service penerbanganya become one of the best in the world because it has a high standard so as to make tourists always want mengeksplorer region this, "he said. (Kyd / jpnn)
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SBY Stumbled Badly on Yogya

“We shall not ignore democratic values. There shouldn't be a monarchical system.” To foreigners unfamiliar with Indonesia, this statement last December by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono seems innocuous enough. In Indonesia, however, it has touched off a storm of criticism. The President was referring to Yogyakarta, where the position of provincial governor is held by hereditary ruler Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.

Thousands of demonstrators have rallied outside Yogyakarta's provincial council building in recent months, demanding the continuation of Sultan Hamengkubuwono's direct appointment as governor. The Yogyakarta legislature has also declared its full support for the automatic appointment of the sultan.

The unusual status of the Yogyakarta sultanate dates back to the independence struggle against the Dutch. In 1950, in recognition of his support for the nationalist movement, the current sultan's predecessor, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, was declared governor for life of the newly created special administrative region of Yogyakarta.

Whether this arrangement was meant to be hereditary is the subject of some dispute. What is clear, however, is that while traditional sultanates in other parts of Indonesia were swept away by the nationalist tide, in Yogyakarta they were reinforced.

Successive governments in Jakarta have been reluctant to challenge the status quo, which remains popular among Yogyakartans, many of whom take great pride in the role their province played during the war of independence. The status of the Yogyakarta sultanate was further enhanced in 1998, when Sultan Hamengkubuwono X took a leading role in the movement to oust President Suharto.

Yudhoyono's statement late last year that he intended to change the arrangement therefore took many observers by surprise. Unlike many other parts of Indonesia, the province is generally acknowledged to be well run. There have been few reports of corruption, and even fewer attacks on churches or other religious minorities. In other words, there are far more urgent issues requiring the President's attention than the altruistic promotion of democratic ideals in Yogyakarta.

The announcement was also badly timed, coming not long after the sultan won kudos for his handling of humanitarian efforts in the wake of the devastating eruption of Mount Merapi in October.

Nico Harjanto, a political observer at Jakarta's Center for Strategic and International Studies, suggests that Yudhoyono may be trying to undermine the sultan because he regards him as a possible contender in the 2014 presidential elections. The sultan has tried to run before, only to be thwarted by the reluctance of the nation's major political parties to support him.

But this could change now that the sultan has joined media tycoon Surya Paloh's National Democrat movement. Many believe that this organization, which says it stands for good government, will eventually evolve into a political party. Harjanto points out that if the sultan was backed by the National Democrats, he could become a serious presidential contender in 2014. Unlike other potential candidates such as controversial former general Prabowo Subianto (accused of human rights abuses), Abu Rizal Bakrie (linked to the Lapindo mudflow) and Yudhoyono's wife (nepotism allegations), the sultan does not have any crucial weakness for opponents to focus on.

If this really is the president's plan, it begs the question who he is doing it for. Unable to run himself in 2014, Yudhoyono could be preparing the way for his wife. Alternatively, he could be trying to help Bakrie, the President's financial backer and one of Indonesia's richest men.

Meanwhile, the resignation of Gusti Bendoro Pangeran Haryo Prabukusumo, the younger brother of the sultan, from the Democratic Party has weakened the influence of the president's party in the province.

“I don't want to become an insurgent [against the sultan],” Prabukusumo was quoted as saying after resigning as chairman of the Democratic Party's provincial executive board in December.

The greatest beneficiary so far has been the opposition nationalist Indonesian Democratic Party- Struggle (PDI-P), which has been leading the demonstrations in Yogyakarta in support of the status quo.

Little wonder then that as early as the middle of last December, Yudhoyono had begun to backtrack, telling the media that he had been misunderstood. Yogyakarta's monarchy was not a problem, the President insisted, adding that the sultan's position was guaranteed by the Constitution.

Since then, Yudhoyono's Democratic Party has modified the proposed legislation slightly to accommodate the critics. A bill currently being considered by the national legislature provides for an elected governor and limits the powers of the sultan to cultural affairs and land matters.

Overall, however, it looks like the President has stumbled. Whether Parliament accepts the proposed legislation or not, in 2014, Yogyakarta voters are unlikely to forget the unwelcome interference in provincial affairs.

Reprinted courtesy of Straits Times Indonesia. To subscribe to Straits Times Indonesia and/or the Jakarta Globe call 2553 5055.
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