Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Beautiful Valley in western Sumatra

Imagine West Sumatra who passed the equator, there are tropical forests with high rainfall, with the Bukit Barisan Mountains and Mount Singgalang around Bukittinggi. Many valley or gorge and the lake is very attractive for tourists. Natural beauty plus the cool air Bukittinggi region, in colonial times used to attract the Dutch officials to stay there. Even now Bukittinggi become a major tourist destination for foreign tourists and domestic.

Some people argue that the natural beauty of the valley or gorge far more beautiful when viewed from above. In fact looks beautiful from all sides. At the bottom of the valley is usually flowing river and the land more fertile, while the winding valley cliffs towered from the constant erosion by wind and rain naturally, thus forming a variety of shapes and colors. A stunning panorama.

Anai Valley

When we travel the road the Padang-Bukittinggi, after an hour journey by car, towards the City of Long Long, winding road going up the mountain slopes covered with lush green trees and lush as a nature reserve. At a bend in the left edge of the road, there are theme parks Anai valley waterfall. Looks beautiful. Water falls from the middle of the valley wall is overgrown with dense trees, hanging on the walls of the valley.

From the ticket booth at the peak of view we can look at broad valley toward the valley floor. Visible Anai Valley with lush green trees and on the valley floor Anai River flows. It's a very beautiful natural scenery.

Canyon Sianok

In the city of Bukittinggi itself there Panorama Park and Japanese hole. From there, travelers can view Sianok canyon. Tertihat valley walls from afar. Unmatched lovely. No wonder the world travelers came to it want to watch and capture the natural feel very elegant.

Sianok canyon touted as the "Grand Canyon" of Indonesia, but was actually more beautiful. Because of its location in the tropics, more Sianok canyon walls varies between rock walls and tropical forest trees and plants berjuntaian. All that is not located in the valleys of stone in Arizona there. Sianok canyon closely with various legends. Sianok own means quiet, perfect for tourists to enjoy the break. Many inns around the Panorama Park. Tourists can look at the natural beauty of the cliffs as high as 100-120 meters, which is basically about 200 meters wide and can be traced. It is said that over 15 kilometers.

In the Garden there is a hole Panorama Japan, which the Japanese colonial era is a tunnel for the purpose of defense. Now the place has been revitalized, so that the visitors can go down into the tunnel at the end to directly view Sianok canyon from the valley floor.

Valley Harau

From Bukittinggi leads to the West, we can take highway Pekanbaru-Bukittinggi. After passing Payakumbuh take the road intersection to the left, we headed Harau Valley District who entered regency. Approximately 1.5 hour car journey from Bukittinggi.

Valley wall Harau long stretches, interspersed with a few charming picturesque waterfall. The valley is almost vertical cliff a variety of shapes and colorful moss because of rain and running water from the top of the cliff.

Valley area of ​​300 hectares is a nature reserve, well preserved. At the base of the soil fertile valley spread out the rice fields, a panorama of exotic region. Actually, the natural beauty of the Valley Harau divided into two areas, called Sarasah Bunta with four waterfalls, and Roots Barayun with a waterfall. In the wet season waterfalls jumiah increased to 12 pieces. At one area, guests can scream out loud, his voice echoing, and echo occurs.

In addition to sightseeing redundant, Valley Harau a sports arena rock climbing, which is popular with rock climbers and foreign national. Much information about the Valley Harau on the Internet and have a website to read international sportsman rock climbers.

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