Jumat, 01 April 2011

Ocean Sand Mount Bromo

The existence of Mount Bromo with sea sand has been quite phenomenal long been known as one of the leading tourist destination in Indonesia. Mount Bromo is one of the mountain on the Tengger Mountains.

With a height of 2392 meters above sea level, beautiful panoramic views emitted when the natural charm that will never-ending. Mount Bromo is derived from Sanskrit which means god Brahma or a major and are located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang.

The attraction of Mount Bromo crater special is in the middle of the vast sea of ​​sand that stretches around the crater of Bromo, white smoke. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between valleys and canyons with the caldera or the sea of sand covering some 10 square kilometers.

Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 feet (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo. The height of the relatively "low" for the size of the mountain to make the trip to Mount Bromo is relatively easy.

From the top of the volcano is still active, you can enjoy the vast expanse of ocean sand, and watched the towering majesty of Mount Semeru reaching for the sky. You also can look beautiful sun went out of peraduannya or otherwise enjoy the dim twilight of the ridge Bromo.

To view them, you have to climb Mount Pananjakan which is the highest mountain in the region. Terrain that must be traversed to get to Mount Pananjakan quite heavy. To reach the foot of Mount Pananjakan, you have to go through desert-like area that can make you get lost. When the need to climb Mount Pananjakan, narrow streets and many sharp turns, of course requires a high driving skill.

For that, many visitors who choose to rent a car hardtop (a type of jeep) driven by the community. Surrounding communities come from the Tengger tribe was friendly with the visitors. Up above, there are many shops serving coffee or tea and a fire to warm themselves while waiting to tebitnya sun. There are also stores that rent warm clothing.

Watching the sunrise is an interesting event. Evidence, the visitors are willing to wait since 5 am facing the east so as not to lose this moment. You also do not always able to see this event, because if the cloudy sky, the appearance of the sun is not seen clearly.

However, when the sky is clear, you can see the roundness of the sun first of all just as small as a match pins, slowly enlarge and eventually form a full circle and give information so that we can see the views of the mountains in this region. Among others, Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, or Mount Sumeru which is the highest mountain in Java.

The history of the formation of Mount Bromo and the mountains around it originated from the existence of Tengger Mountain (4,000 meters above sea level) which is the largest and highest mountain at that time.

Then came the massive eruption which created a caldera with a diameter of more than 8 kilometers. Material volcanic eruption is now transformed into a sea of ​​sand, the material is said to have covered by water. The volcanic activity with the advent of the hall lead to the formation of magma new mountains such as Mount Bromo, Mount Widodaren, Gunung Batok, Gunung Watangan, Mount Chairs and Mount Semeru

Bromo does have its own uniqueness compared to other mountain panorama. In the vicinity of Bromo until the peak does not exist other than green plants shrubs. Mount Bromo is still contained in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is also the only conservation area in Indonesia, which has a unique form of sea sand area of ​​5250 hectares.

To reach the foot of Mount Bromo, you can not use the vehicle. Instead, you must hire a horse with a price of USD 70 thousand, or if you feel strong, you can choose to walk. But, it should be noted that walking is not easy, because of the scorching sun, a far distance, scattered dust can make the journey harder.

From the foot of the mountain was phenomenal, you have to climb the ladder whose numbers reach 250 stairs to see the crater of Mount Bromo. Arriving at thepeak of of Bromo ,you can see the crater of Mount Bromo that emit smoke .

You can also glanced down and saw the sea of sand with a temple in the middle. After lingering at the top, if travelers are feeling hungry, at the bottom of the Bromo there are stalls offering warm, instant noodles, mineral water and cheap snacks. .

Besides watching the beautiful panorama offered by the Bromo-Semeru, if you come at the right time, then you can watch Kesodo ceremony, which was held by Tengger society. This ceremony usually begins at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kesodo [tenth] according to the Javanese calendar.

Kesodo ceremony is a ritual to invoke the abundant harvest or decline the request for reinforcements and cure various diseases, in particular by offering offerings and threw it into the crater of Mount Bromo. When the procession took place, other Tenggerese rollicking down the cliff of the crater and the offerings being thrown into the crater, as a symbol of blessing from the Almighty.

There are a few tips that need your attention now to the region of Mount Bromo, among others, Have a look in the dry season, not the rainy season, so you will get a perfect view of the moment. Prepare cold protective clothing, such as the guard house, slayer, scarves, gloves, jackets, and do not forget the shoes because the weather is quite cold here. Also take glasses to shield from dust while in Segoro Wedi sand. Do not be in the crater of Bromo on top at 9 am to avoid the risk of poisoning.

There are four main gate to enter the Bromo Semeru national park areas are: Village Cemorolawang if through the Probolinggo, Pasuruan Village Wonokitri with lines, Ngadas Village and Village of Malang path is the path Lumajang Burno.

The route can be taken is as follows:
- Pasuruan-Cafes-Tosari Dowo Wonokitri-Bromo-use cars with a distance of 71 km,
- Malang-Shack-Tumpang Klakah Jemplang-Bromo-use cars with a distance of 53 km
- Malang-Purwodadi-Nongkojajar-Tosari-Wonokitri-Penanjakan about 83 km

Enjoy the exotic beauty of Mount Bromo!
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Toba Lake : The Largest Lake in Southeast Asia

Incomplete feel if you visited the North Sumatra did not stop for a moment to Lake Toba, volcanic lake which is the largest lake in Indonesia, and even Southeast Asia. Exotic charm vast expanse of the lake like a sea with shady trees and hills, charming. The lake, measuring 1700 square meters with a depth of approximately 450 meters and lies 906 meters above sea level, in the middle of the lake there is Samosir Island became the object of not less interesting excursions.

During his visit in 1996, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands even expressed his admiration for the beautiful panorama of the lake. "Sell me name to this lake. I can not describe how beautiful Lake Toba, "he says enthusiastically.

There are seven districts around the lake, namely Simalungun, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Dairi, Karo, and Naidoo who has a wonderful natural panorama and a tourist destination location. Generally, tourists enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba Parapat in Simalungun and Tuktuk Siadong on Samosir Island.

It is estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73 thousand-75 thousand years ago and is a super volcano eruption (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out of the mountain as much as 2800 km ³, with 800 km ³ of rock Ignimbrite and 2,000 km ³ of volcanic ash which is expected in the wind to west for two weeks.

Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from China to South Africa. Explosion occurred during the week and throw the dust up to 10 km above sea level.

This incident caused mass death and, in some species, also followed by extinction. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reducednumber of of people to about 60 % of the total human population of the earth at that time , which is about 60 million people . The eruption was also contributed to the occurrence of ice ages, although the experts still debate.

After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure upward by magma that has not come out cause the emergence of Samosir Island. While enjoying the beauty of this lake, you might not imagine that the charm of the place comes from the catastrophic volcanic eruptions that brought fear and horror at the time.
Travel overland to Lake Toba, precisely to Parapat, takes four to five hours from Medan. Available bus or travel directly to Parapat. The route through the Lubuk Pakam, Cliff High, and turn toward Siantar. Alongthe trip , wewere treated to a panorama of palm oil and rubber plantations .

For a place to stay and stay longer to enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba, there are many hotels and inns. In Parapat, there are at least 900 hotel rooms of all types, ranging from four star to homestay, in Tuktuk also not different. Both in Parapat and Tuktuk, tourists can instantly enjoy the lake from the rim. Rates for hotels in Parapat Tuktuk and varied, according to typical tourists who come. Starting from Rp 30 thousand to USD 500 thousand per night depending on the type of hotel.

A travel companies even offer to enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba from the air, ie use paragliding. Every tourists are given the opportunity to fly using the paragliding from the mountains Tongging, Karo District, North Sumatra. For tourists who want to try paragliding will be accompanied by an experienced instructor, but of course determination can fly or not depends on weather conditions and wind.

Not only that, enjoy the beautiful sunrise and sunset you can enjoy from the coastal lakes. From the Karo highlands on the north, the lake looks elongated beauty viewed from Sikodonkodon. However, there is only one resort here. On the west side, views of the lake and the island of Samosir can be perfectly seen from the Tele. There is a viewing post at an altitude of about 1,000 meters from sea level to enjoy the sunset on Lake Toba.
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the beauty of coral in Raja Ampat

Who says in the Papua nothing spectacular marine tourism object? So far, Papua better known simply exotic culture and natural resources are abundant. However, come to Raja Ampat, and enjoy the beauty of the coral reef, complete with captivating marine life and marine scenery impressive.

Nothing wrong when the then Miss Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata expressed his admiration for the region after the dive, feeling the grain panoramic underwater Raja Ampat are very alluring. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts are guaranteed not to be disappointed. Instead, they would be called to come and come again.

Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District has a population of 31 thousand souls has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of ​​about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 in the sea.

The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful to make direct tourists hooked. The archipelago is located in northwest New Guinea bird's head, with approximately 1500 small islands and atoll and 4 major islands, namely Misol, Salawati, Bantata and Waigeo. This then makes the Raja Ampat's largest marine park in Indonesia.

This area had been targeted by poachers by reef fish bombing and cyanide poison to spread. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in Raja Ampat is considered the most complete sea in the world. Of the 537 coral species of the world, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Incredible!

Bank Dunia bekerja sama dengan lembaga lingkungan global menetapkan Raja Ampat sebagai salah satu wilayah di Indonesia Timur yang mendapat bantuan Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, sejak 2005. Di Raja Ampat, program ini mencakup 17 kampung dan melibatkan penduduk lokal. Nelayan juga dilatih membudidayakan ikan kerapu dan rumput laut.

Khusus untuk Anda yang tidak tertarik dengan aktivitas menyelam, hamparan laut biru yang membiaskan keindahan langit, taburan pasir putih yang memancarkan kilaunya bagaikan mutiara, bisa dinikmati. Selain itu, masih ada gugusan pulau-pulau yang memesona dan flora serta fauna unik seperti cenderawasih merah, cenderawasih Wilson, maleo waigeo, beraneka burung kakatua dan nuri, kuskus waigeo, serta beragam jenis bunga anggrek.

Papua Diving di pulau Mansuar adalah salah satu resort terkemuka yang berada di kawasan ini. Wisatawan-wisatawan mancanegara penggemar selam betah selama berhari-hari bahkan sebulan berada di Raja Ampat menikmati keindahan yang ada di sana dan menginap di Papua Diving.

Maximillian J Ammer, warga negara Belanda pemilik Papua Diving Resort yang juga pionir penggerak wisata laut kawasan ini, harus mati-matian menyiapkan berbagai fasilitas untuk menarik turis dari mancanegara. Sejak memulai usahanya delapan tahun lalu, banyak dana harus dikeluarkan. Namun, hasilnya juga memuaskan. Setiap tahun resor ini dikunjungi minimal 600 turis spesial yang menghabiskan waktu rata-rata dua pekan.

Penginapan sangat sederhana yang hanya berdinding serta beratap anyaman daun kelapa itu bertarif minimal 75 euro atau Rp 900.000 semalam. Jika ingin menyelam harus membayar 30 euro atau sekitar Rp 360.000 sekali menyelam pada satu lokasi tertentu. Kebanyakan wisatawan datang dari Eropa. Hanya beberapa wisatawan asal Indonesia yang menginap dan menyelam di sana.

Pulau Kri, Waigeo, serta Misool juga menyiapkan resort buat pengunjung. Di pulau Misool ada Eco Resort yang dibangun dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip konservasi alam yang ketat. Ada kesepakatan dengan penduduk adat di sekitar wilayah tersebut untuk menjaga ekosistem terpadu yang disebut “No Take Zone” yakni melarang eksploitasi pengambilan apapun dari laut, mulai dari berburu kerang, telur penyu,sirip ikan hiu sampai hanya sekedar mencari ikan. Secara ekstrim, malah di eco resort ini mengharamkan penggunaan antiseptik karena limbah buangannya dikhawatirkan akan membunuh ekosistem terumbu karang di sekitarnya.

Some resorts are relatively expensive to set prices for presenting a complete facility. Travelers with limited costs can also take advantage of government-owned resorts are much cheaper in the area Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat.

You have to fly first to Airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, Papua, and then directly to the location by speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach the area of ​​Raja Ampat Islands in particular to Mansuar.

To get around the island you want, we can hire a speedboat capacity of 10 persons with a price of USD 3-5 million per 8 hours, depending on the intelligence we offer. We can also take a package tour by visiting the village to see typical local plants and animals such as birds of Paradise.

To enter the area of ​​Raja Ampat, each person must pay an entrance fee of Rp 250 thousand for domestic tourists, and $ 500 thousand for tourists from abroad. A round pin that serves as this identity we will receive, after paying the fee.

Uniquely, the pin is valid for one year, from 1 January to 31 December. So if in one year that we go back and forth to visit Raja Ampat, only need to pay an entrance fee only once. Of course, the pins were not allowed to be lost and should we wear as identification.
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Senin, 28 Maret 2011

The beauty of Komodo Island

The presence of the Komodo National Park which is one of the popular vote competition nominator "New 7 Wonder" is quite inviting charm. The controversy that accompanied the event certainly had no effect on the intensive efforts to continue to preserve the park established in 1986 by UNESCO as world heritage site.

Komodo National Park is located between the Province of West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara It includes three large islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, and several small islands with a land area covering 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ². Administratively, this region lies in the subdistrict of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. National Parks are designated as forest conservation area by the Minister of Forestry with 132 572 ha area was originally established with the aim of conserving species of giant lizard dragons or a unique and rare

Komodo dragons are known by the scientific name Varanus komodoensis is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. By local people, dragons are often called Ora.

Including family members Varanidae monitor lizards, and Toxicofera klad, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 m. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live in small island linked to the absence of mammalian carnivores on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of his body, these lizards occupy the position of a top predator that dominates its place of living ecosystems.

Komodo dragons are found in 1910. Her body is great and terrible reputation makes them popular in zoos. Dragons in the wild habitat has shrunk and therefore IUCN include dragons as a species vulnerable to extinction. These large lizards are protected under Indonesian law and a national park was established to protect them.

Actually the Park attraction not solely by the mere presence of dragons. As I quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Forestry who manages this site Komodo National Park, panoramic underwater views of savanna and attract potential supporters. Eg marine tourism, fishing, snorkeling, diving, canoeing, boating. While on land, natural tourism potential that can be done is to observe wildlife, hiking, and camping. Visiting the Park and enjoy the natural scenery is very charming an experience that will never be forgotten.

Some interesting sites to visit include:

1. Loh Liang: a tourism concession area managed by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done among other observations the Komodo dragon, deer, wild boar, bird watching, canoeing, etc..

2. Red Beach: a beautiful beach with shallow coral reefs charming. Activities usually carried out by tourists who visit are snorkelling or sunbathing.

3. Loh Sebita: Loh Sebita a mangrove area and the activity is quite interesting to do is bird watching and trekking.

4. Loh Buaya: a tourism concession areas dielola by PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK PT.). Activities that can be done among other observations the Komodo dragon, deer, buffalo, birds, long-tailed monkey, wild horses, birdwatching, canoeing, etc..

5. Bat Island: Activities that can be visited include the observation colony of bats in large numbers. The most interesting observation made ​​during the afternoon where the bats started to come out to look for food.

6. Golo Code: From the top of the hill, known as Code Golo, visitors can see a panorama and a landscape that is fantastic because the representation of various types of ecosystems can be seen from this place.

7. Molo Strait: Strait which has a heavy flow like river water flowing at high tide.

There are 36 dive sites in the area of ​​TN. Komodo. Frequented by foreign tourists for diving and snorkeling are: Tatawa Island, Red Beach, Gililawa Sea, Loh Dasami, Pillar Steen, Batu Bolong and Taka Napier.

To reach this place can be done via the road through land through Bali - Mataram (Lombok Island) - Bima - Sape (Sumbawa P.), followed by a trip using the ferry every day to Labuan Bajo. From Labuan Bajo visitors can visit the Komodo National Park aboard the boat or speedboat. Another alternative is by air, visitors can use air transportation from Bali (Denpasar) to Labuan Bajo every day with the existing penerpangan airlines including; Indonesian Air Transport (IAT), Pigeon, and Trigana Air.

Source reading: Site www.dephut.go.id and Wikipedia Indonesia
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Nirvana Marine on the Derawan Island

A tropical paradise located in one of the island province of East Kalimantan, Berau precisely and in the Strait of Sulawesi, not far from the border with Malaysia. Derawan Island into a maritime tourist destinations attractive choice for you who likes the beach with soft white sand and clear water shining. Moreover, added bonus benign encounter turtles that swam happily while we do the dive.

Sometimes when sitting on the edge of a wooden bridge that leads to the sea, we can see the green turtles and fro on the surface of clear water. Occasionally even the turtles that seem to roam around the cottage is located on the coast of the island. At nightfall, several turtles climbed ashore and lay eggs there.

Alloy sea and moss colors produce stunning shades of blue and green, and a small forest in the middle, make this island so beautiful natural scenery presents a pity to miss for granted. What remains, deep memories.

Dr. Carden Wallace of the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australia has examined marine wealth Derawan Island and found more than 50 types of Arcropora (marine animal) in one coral reef. No one seems if Derawan island famous as the third highest in the world as an international dive destination

This island is relatively less well known especially in the country because of its own struggle to achieve it takes quite complicated. You must go first to Balikpapan from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar, to go to this island. Approximately two hours travel time of flight from Jakarta to Balikpapan.

From Balikpapan, you still have to fly to Cape Redeb for one hour with a small plane that served by KAL Star, Deraya or DAS. In addition, Cape Redeb can also be reached by sea, with boarded the ship from Samarinda Tarakan to Tanjung Redeb or proceed with the lease motorboat to the island Derawan with long travel approximately 2 hours.

Many foreigners who just got off the plane at the airport Kalimarau, Cape Redeb Derawan rushed to the island by motorboat which was moored at a specific port.

Another alternative could also through land route from Balikpapan to Tanjung Batu and from there crossed over to the island Derawan. It's just that this is not a good choice because of travel crossing itself takes up to a dozen hours with a relatively unpleasant terrain.

Even so, you know, just a lot of foreign tourists who already knew more about the existence of this exotic island. A number of Japanese tourists through travel from Tokyo who were there "shoot straight" go to Singapore or to Sabah and then continue the trip to Aberdeen, then to Cape Redeb using small aircraft.

They utilize their time during the Derawan with diving, down the underwater beauty of the island which indeed is the best location for diving. Moreover, with the condition of the remote islands and "virgin" increasingly add charm anyone to enjoy it as long as possible.

Never mind all the way, only within a distance of 50 meters from the beach, we already can see the beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish back and forth. The water is very clear. You can rent a snorkel for Rp 30 thousand per day. If you want to dive deeper, we can find fish that are more "exotic" such as grouper, red fish, fish kurisi, fish, barracuda, sea cucumbers, and oysters. On a rock at a depth of ten meters, there is a reef known as "Blue Trigger Wall" because of the reef with a length of 18 meters there is a lot of trigger fish (red-toothed trigger fishes).

Island Derawan provide accommodations facilities (cottages), rental of diving equipment as well as restaurants. There is also a cheap lodging-inn fare that is managed by local people. The range of prices ranging from Rp 45 thousand to USD 100 thousand / night.

Still not satisfied?

You can also review the other islands around Derawan. For example: Charitable Island, Maratua, and Kakaban which has its own uniqueness. Pari Fish Blue (Manta Rays) that had reached 3.5 meters wide with a population on the island of Charitable. In fact can also be found-if lucky enough, black stingray with wide "wingspan" 6 meters. While Kakaban have uniqueness in the form of a prehistoric lake in the middle of the sea, the only one in Asia.
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Beach megaliths are located in West Sumba

Southwestern Sumba show its beauty through Kampung Ratenggaro. The village is special because it is situated on a cliff on the beach Ratewoyo. Its position overlooking the sea with huge waves breaking reef. Straight ahead, no more land until we came to Africa.

The village was originally located on the headland that is located right by the beach. But the tide causing abrasion and water into the house, so the residents decided to move the village to a higher cliff.

In the former village on the beach still remains a collection of megalithic stone graves. The shape is different from the graves of stone slabs piled like in the town of Waikabubak. The tomb stones here are made of stone intact with more than two meters high and decorated with writings and ancient drawings.

Sitting next to an ancient stone tomb with a beautiful beach watching the waves crashing, I understand why so adored will Sumba cultural richness and natural beauty. Soft white sandy beach flanked by rocks and high cliffs remind me of the Tanah Lot in Bali. Of course, the beach is far more beautiful and very quiet. Unfortunately I came when cloudy so could not watch the sunset.

On the beach I met old man named Thomas who play traditional musical instruments made ​​of wood. Excerpt dawainya add a sense of feel magical atmosphere in the place. Fatigue due to travel by bike for two hours straight loss.

The village is located in Kodi, West Sumba. Kodi is on the western tip of the island of Sumba. This place is about 80 kilometers from the city where I stay, Waikabubak. Viewed in this roadmap a little play, but this is the way the conditions are best.

This time I was escorted by a guide named Timothy Pingge, a native of Sumba. Although he says the way we passed the best condition, still we need to go through puddles and potholes road. Throughout the trip we met a group of school children who smile and friendly greeting every rider who passed them. "Afternoon mother, father day," they said. Rain clouds hanging so many times we had to take shelter from the rain.

Rice fields, houses on the roadside with a grave stone in the yard, ravine and forest into a wonderful treat for the eyes along the journey. Before leaving, we bought a souvenir of the villagers. Rooms for the gentlemen, betel nut for the mothers and candy to the kids.

Living in such a beautiful area had little effect on the welfare of villagers. Segelitir only from those who make a living from the sea. Moreover, this village consists of only five traditional houses. Fires burned four years ago almost all houses in the village. Of the 13 houses, only one survivor.

Indigenous Villages Sumba did have a high fire risk. Roofs made ​​of thatch flammable in the dry season. The fire spread in the wind, so the fires usually destroy all houses in the region.

Rebuilding the custom house was not cheap. Villagers told me that a house requires four main pillars to remain standing. "One timber cost the same as a buffalo, "said the occupants of the village. That's just the cost for the main mast, not counting the cost to build the walls, floor and roof. Besides the costs, the materials are easily obtained from the original forest is now increasingly difficult to find.

Next I visited the Kampung Paronabaroro. The condition of villages in this region is different from the village that I browse in the town of Waikabubak earlier. Remote location that makes this village is still very simple. Marapu belief still held closely by its residents.

The old woman topless wearing a cloth. Men and women chew betel nut which makes them red saliva kesumba. This custom began in teens and make the lips look like wearing red lipstick. Horses tied to the side of the house as a symbol of social status.

The entrance to this village along a path about 4 miles. At the front of the village there is a full clearing the newer grave stone. Some have been modified by using cement, stone is no longer intact.

Grave stones with older age is located in the center of the village. The complex surrounds a grave stone altar where the conduct traditional ceremonies. Not just anyone can set foot into places that are considered sacred.

Electricity had just entered the region in late January. The power source comes from the generator fuel is filled by a joint venture with several villages in the vicinity. To save money, they only use it at night.-Yahoo.com
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Kingdom of manta stingrays in the Islands Derawan

Manta stingrays are the species most large-sized stingrays in the world. Type the largest can grow up to 7 meters with a weight of more than 2 tons. I visited one of the royal manta in Indonesia which lies in waters around the island of Charitable, Derawan Islands, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Fish with the Latin name of this birostris Manta will manifest themselves at high tide. Tide brings with plankton, which is his favorite food. The sign, which was originally sea water began to clear blue colored turbid due to plankton.

Charitable Island can be reached within an hour away by motor boat from the island Derawan. Shortly after arriving, we saw manta began to arrive and swim just below the water surface. We plunge into the sea, a few hundred feet from the manta. Speedboat should not be too close because it could frighten the animal tame.

I then swam his best to reach the manta. Not the actual swim, because I simply could not and did not know swimming technique. Exactly, trying to move the agency forward. Luckily, manta swam directly towards me.

Dark and sinister figure who makes me pause while he continued to go at me. His form is very large with a wide mouth reminds me of the sharp-tailed rays that can kill humans. In fact, the manta which is not dangerous.

Shortly before we collided, manta contort his body to the bottom. His movements were so graceful like a dancer. He then swerved back toward his coming again. Manta swim fast and I just stared at the departure of the black manta graceful.

Not only one manta appears, there are some that swim around. This beast is also known to jump into the water. If lucky, manta can appear clustered in large quantities. This place is also a favorite spot of divers because of its beauty. Unfortunately, I can not dive.

Manta is only one of hundreds of fish that live in these waters. There are at least 872 kinds of reef fish that inhabit this region with six different species of dolphins and three types of whales.

Derawan I visited at the invitation of The Nature Conservancy, the nonprofit that works to preserve the marine ecosystem of this island. Currently Berau Aquatic Conservation Area face many threats, such as destruction of coral reefs, sea turtles illegally catching and environmentally unfriendly fishing with poison and bombs.

In fact, Derawan islands are areas with coral reefs second richest in the world. Extensive coral reefs no less than 66 thousand hectares. Diversity of coral reefs in this region amounted to more than 507 species, can only be defeated by the diversity in Raja Ampat Islands, Papua.

The islands also became the center of the green turtle nesting Chelonia mydas alias. Almost every night there are green turtles in a dark corner of the beach. There is also a hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata or very rare.
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