Jumat, 01 April 2011

the beauty of coral in Raja Ampat

Who says in the Papua nothing spectacular marine tourism object? So far, Papua better known simply exotic culture and natural resources are abundant. However, come to Raja Ampat, and enjoy the beauty of the coral reef, complete with captivating marine life and marine scenery impressive.

Nothing wrong when the then Miss Indonesia 2005 Nadine Chandrawinata expressed his admiration for the region after the dive, feeling the grain panoramic underwater Raja Ampat are very alluring. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts are guaranteed not to be disappointed. Instead, they would be called to come and come again.

Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District has a population of 31 thousand souls has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of ​​about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 in the sea.

The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful to make direct tourists hooked. The archipelago is located in northwest New Guinea bird's head, with approximately 1500 small islands and atoll and 4 major islands, namely Misol, Salawati, Bantata and Waigeo. This then makes the Raja Ampat's largest marine park in Indonesia.

This area had been targeted by poachers by reef fish bombing and cyanide poison to spread. However, there are still many people who attempt to protect the region so that the wealth of the sea could be saved. Coral reefs in Raja Ampat is considered the most complete sea in the world. Of the 537 coral species of the world, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Incredible!

Bank Dunia bekerja sama dengan lembaga lingkungan global menetapkan Raja Ampat sebagai salah satu wilayah di Indonesia Timur yang mendapat bantuan Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II, sejak 2005. Di Raja Ampat, program ini mencakup 17 kampung dan melibatkan penduduk lokal. Nelayan juga dilatih membudidayakan ikan kerapu dan rumput laut.

Khusus untuk Anda yang tidak tertarik dengan aktivitas menyelam, hamparan laut biru yang membiaskan keindahan langit, taburan pasir putih yang memancarkan kilaunya bagaikan mutiara, bisa dinikmati. Selain itu, masih ada gugusan pulau-pulau yang memesona dan flora serta fauna unik seperti cenderawasih merah, cenderawasih Wilson, maleo waigeo, beraneka burung kakatua dan nuri, kuskus waigeo, serta beragam jenis bunga anggrek.

Papua Diving di pulau Mansuar adalah salah satu resort terkemuka yang berada di kawasan ini. Wisatawan-wisatawan mancanegara penggemar selam betah selama berhari-hari bahkan sebulan berada di Raja Ampat menikmati keindahan yang ada di sana dan menginap di Papua Diving.

Maximillian J Ammer, warga negara Belanda pemilik Papua Diving Resort yang juga pionir penggerak wisata laut kawasan ini, harus mati-matian menyiapkan berbagai fasilitas untuk menarik turis dari mancanegara. Sejak memulai usahanya delapan tahun lalu, banyak dana harus dikeluarkan. Namun, hasilnya juga memuaskan. Setiap tahun resor ini dikunjungi minimal 600 turis spesial yang menghabiskan waktu rata-rata dua pekan.

Penginapan sangat sederhana yang hanya berdinding serta beratap anyaman daun kelapa itu bertarif minimal 75 euro atau Rp 900.000 semalam. Jika ingin menyelam harus membayar 30 euro atau sekitar Rp 360.000 sekali menyelam pada satu lokasi tertentu. Kebanyakan wisatawan datang dari Eropa. Hanya beberapa wisatawan asal Indonesia yang menginap dan menyelam di sana.

Pulau Kri, Waigeo, serta Misool juga menyiapkan resort buat pengunjung. Di pulau Misool ada Eco Resort yang dibangun dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip konservasi alam yang ketat. Ada kesepakatan dengan penduduk adat di sekitar wilayah tersebut untuk menjaga ekosistem terpadu yang disebut “No Take Zone” yakni melarang eksploitasi pengambilan apapun dari laut, mulai dari berburu kerang, telur penyu,sirip ikan hiu sampai hanya sekedar mencari ikan. Secara ekstrim, malah di eco resort ini mengharamkan penggunaan antiseptik karena limbah buangannya dikhawatirkan akan membunuh ekosistem terumbu karang di sekitarnya.

Some resorts are relatively expensive to set prices for presenting a complete facility. Travelers with limited costs can also take advantage of government-owned resorts are much cheaper in the area Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat.

You have to fly first to Airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, Papua, and then directly to the location by speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach the area of ​​Raja Ampat Islands in particular to Mansuar.

To get around the island you want, we can hire a speedboat capacity of 10 persons with a price of USD 3-5 million per 8 hours, depending on the intelligence we offer. We can also take a package tour by visiting the village to see typical local plants and animals such as birds of Paradise.

To enter the area of ​​Raja Ampat, each person must pay an entrance fee of Rp 250 thousand for domestic tourists, and $ 500 thousand for tourists from abroad. A round pin that serves as this identity we will receive, after paying the fee.

Uniquely, the pin is valid for one year, from 1 January to 31 December. So if in one year that we go back and forth to visit Raja Ampat, only need to pay an entrance fee only once. Of course, the pins were not allowed to be lost and should we wear as identification.

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